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When you get older, life seems to make a lot more sense more than ever.  The things that you want, the people you want to be around, the color that you love, or why he/ she wasn't meant for you —  basically almost everything that you worried about, smiled and laughed or even cried about before.  The things that made you uncomfortable happened to be the things that you enjoyed the most, and of course the things that you said you would and wouldn't do, turned out to be the opposite.  

It's okay.  You're growing up. 
You are growing beautifully despite and in spite of.  

As you get older, the puzzle becomes clearer.  You find out what moves you, what encourages you, what you deeply crave from life — and you chase that.  You come to realize that you have that fire inside of you where you must never let convenience, comfort, or easiness of standing put it out.  You find acceptance within yourself while leaving those who don't accept you, because you come to realize that you are good enough.  You learn to forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made, for the past you kept alive inside of you.  You learn to let go — of the things you had to do in order to heal, or to grow, or to survive. 

You begin to realize how fast time passes by, how precious it is, and why you have no time to dwell on negative things.  The things that you thought would matter in 5-10 years doesn't anymore.  The things you considered "a lot" for yourself, well, is now a tiny pinch of salt in the vast ocean.  I mean, you can't be the same old person that you were 2-3 years ago, am I right?  

With that said, you learn to embrace the journey you are on and you learn how to be proud of the person you are becoming and be proud of where you are— even if it isn't exactly where you want to be. You learn to fall in love with the process, with the messiness of life and the confusion of it all, because eventually — you find what you're looking for out there.


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